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i was playing this at school and the teacher glared at me so hard when I screamed cause I was being chased by like 4 yellow monsters lol

great game dude 10/10 would recomend

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    Thank you so much for playing! I’m glad the monsters are still a little scary even though they look like big dorky babies, haha.

    Also, this is an excellent question. I wish I could tell you that there’s an easy way to set up 3d camera pixelation in Unity. Unfortunately, I haven’t found it yet. I can tell you how I did it though, if you want to know how the sausage gets made.

    Here’s what my scene looks like:   The player’s camera, rather than being drawn directly to the screen, is instead output as a render texture. Far beneath the ground, this render texture is put on a world canvas. In front of the canvas, I have all the UI elements like the battery graphic and action icons.

    Then, I have an orthographic camera pointed at this “pixel canvas” group. This camera renders to another render texture. This second render texture's resolution is 320x180p, so essentially, all the details of the player’s vision are compressed into a tiny pixelated image.

    Here's the settings of this second, smaller render texture:

    Finally, I draw this smaller render texture to the screen with:

void OnGUI()
    GUI.depth = 20;
    GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height), renderTexture);

  This setup works for me, since all canvas elements are affected by the pixelation effect. I just have to make sure all canvas elements move by integer increments.

    Yes, I know this is all ridiculously complicated. I have a camera outputting to a render texture that is being outputted to a render texture. If you ever figure out a better way to do this, please come back and tell me! Making a pixelation effect on its own is simple enough with a post processing shader, but it’s a huge headache to get UI elements working as well. I hope this kind of answers your question.

    Also, I really like the style of your Creator Page! I totally didn’t know you can set a custom cursor or have game thumbnails wiggle when hovering over them. I’ll have to look into how to do that!

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this is really hard to play because the fram cap is always 10 fps idk if thats just my pc but can u fix that if its nt just my pc

I'm sorry to hear that. I tried my best to optimize this game for performance, but I can't guarantee that it runs smoothly on all devices.

If you haven't already, make sure you try the downloadable version instead of the WebGL version since it runs more smoothly. Thanks for checking the game out, anyway!

ok so i figured out that my pc cant run 3d games as well as 2d games so its ok its just my pc no matter how much you optimize it it will not work so i just need a newer pc

Im a wee bit confused. How do I play? I try to enter the building but it gets too dark. If i'm outside the monster is too fast. How do I do it?

The key is that you need to find and use the flashlights scattered around the house. Right-click these and you will see your battery meter go up in the top-right. You need to turn on your flashlight at nighttime with 'F' so that you can see, run, and hide.

If you run out of battery during the night, the monsters will be alerted to your position. So don't let that happen!

im to scared to even move :(

well you better move theres a monster outside that chases you after a while lol 


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dud this comment was 43 days ago XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ima try again

um hey wanna play skillwarz? the game link i sent you 

hey i wanna tell you my new name will be Ruv or Ruv 2.0

hey dude

hi im new to this gamer is spoopy  i like spoopy games nice work this game is amazing


Thanks! And welcome to :)

thank you


Wooaah congratulations!! That's no easy task haha

he hit me then the night ended omg i shat my pants honestly

OMG i love this game but i is so slow

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i was laughing at the monsters face then he attacked me and i screamed...............on stream

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dang you were so close!

giving me granny vides

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Glad you like it!

And good luck, I believe in you!

Deleted 4 years ago

Personally I loved the game, I love the way it's designed and it took me a while to get to Day 3 but I mean it takes a while if you don't have the Timer and the bear trap.


Damn, I got scared on Day 2. You really weren't lying in the desc..

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I can't play it because this game browser doesn't support WebGL I need help, please or somebody that made this game please help me i can't even play the games anymore I going to have to find a new browser but I can find any I really need help :(

Hey there! I'm sorry you're having trouble playing the game.

What browser are you using to play? I've tested this game with Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge, so I can't guarantee whether WebGL will work with other browsers.

But I encourage you to download the standalone version! Just click the red "Download" button, unzip the file, and run the EXE file inside. That version of the game runs smoother than the WebGL version anyways.

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nevermind again let me play web games for a split second and I don't know why? somebody's going to have to fix this for other users like me. are I will be dead spartin like this guy on the pic I don't want to be playing other WACK games on another website   

super hard and super spoke

Took me like 6 tries but I finally managed to pull it off.

Great game!

i knew it would be creepy but the baby man almost gave me a heart attack

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this game is perfect, his mechanics are very good, I closed this game 3 times, and it wasn’t easy, it’s very difficult, the sounds really give an atmosphere of fear, this game has a future.

Awesome game! I love when horror games provide the player with some sort of defense. The traps, timers, and barricades really added to the experience and made it so much fun. Not to mention the great use of procedural generation and sweet pixel graphics. The atmosphere and sounds made it so damn creepy. I loved how you could hear them and know exactly where they were. I am surprised I was actually able to complete it, not an easy game by any means. All around really enjoyable, good job!

It's so cool to hear that you were able to complete it, you're only the third person I know of who's done it!

I'm glad you liked it, thanks for playing ;)

Great sound desing!)) 

I also liked feature with jurnal 

Great job)

This game is really creepy!! I LOVE IT!! It is a very hard game to beat but It's pretty cool. I love all the things you can explore and do to save yourself from... whatever that thing is! The graphics are really cool, I have never played a pixel retro graphic 3D game before, so this is really cool. The game itself was a little bit laggy for me, but I think that was the Chromebook I am using.

A pretty scary game, I love the atmosphere, this constant raining outside gives the game a certain character.
The retro-style graphics are also nice, and the sounds are also perfect.
I also love the idea, that the player can do something against the dangers, a lot of horror games these days just don't give you that option.

damn challenging not a piece of cake :P

what are the use of bell and traps ?

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Hey, thanks so much for taking a video! It helps me out a lot.

Traps can be wound up in your hand by holding 'E' and thrown by left-clicking, which will immobilize a monster for a few seconds (or yourself, like what happened at 7:58 in your video haha).

Alarm clocks can be wound with 'Q' and thrown with left-click. All nearby monsters will chase the loud ringing sound instead of you for a few moments, which gives you a chance to run away and hide.

for me its imposible :(

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It is a very challenging game for everyone, and I'm sorry to hear you had trouble with it too. If the game seems too difficult, you should make sure that you're making good use of the beartraps, timers, and boards. It's very tricky to win without using all the different mechanics, so if you have any questions about them, I'd be happy to give some tips!

in this game can saw human faces :)

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This game was amazingly awesome, You have giant faceless creatures walking down the hallways, I kept accidently walking into traps in dark hallways, A huge speed run attempt to find an Axe before the game starts, and of course flashlights everywhere... I had absolutely no clue what the clocks did because I was too lazy to read the instructions of course... BUT OVERALL, I really enjoyed the  expierience you have made and given to us... I really loved the game... Very cuul work signol_games

Thanks for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

The clocks are definitely a tricky item to get used to, but once you figure them out, they're invaluable for getting out of tight situations because they can drag the monsters' attention somewhere else. There's a clip of me using a clock in the YouTube trailer at 0:32 if you want a bit of a hint ;)

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so cool.... i have strategy but loser ahahahah

Wow it's so cool watching you play, thanks for checking it out :)

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sad strategy fail :D ahahah close room ahahahah

The Game is truly fantastic, I have not seen the gameplay as such for a long time, with all the necessary tools and survival elements. Unfortunately, for me, I hope, because of my laptop memory card, the game crashed several times when I started using flashlight. But, that's nothing. Overall, amazing game and good luck on the next project :)).

I'm glad you liked it!

I'm sorry you had some issues with crashing. I'm still somewhat inexperienced with Unity and I'm trying to figure out how to best optimize everything, so I'll do my best to look into the flashlight (not literally of course, I don't want to go blind).

Got me with that joke :D...Good Work, keep making more games pleasee :)

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